Financial Policies

Tuition and fees are discounted for members of the Missionary Diocese of the East (MDE) and other members of the United Episcopal Church of North America (UECNA).

Course registration fees and tuition must be paid to secure enrollment.

Student Status Course Registration Fee Tuition
For Credit
MDE member$25 per course$0
UECNA member$25 per course$0
Non-UECNA$25 per course$25 per credit hour
Audit Only
MDE member$10 per course$0
UECNA member$10 per course$0
Non-UECNA$25 per course $0

Note that some programs have different rates, as listed below.

Candidates for Bachelor of Divinity (Grad.) and Doctor of Ministry degrees are subject to the following fees.

Student StatusRegistration FeeAcademic Review Fee *
MDE member$25 per term$0
UECNA member$25 per term$100
Non-UECNA$25 per term$300

* Candidates must register for and maintain good standing for a minimum of two terms before they are eligible for academic review.

Candidates for the Doctor of Divinity degree are subject to the following fees.

Student StatusRegistration FeeAcademic Review Fee *
MDE member$25 per term$0
UECNA member$25 per term$150
Non-UECNA$25 per term$500

* Candidates must register for and maintain good standing for a minimum of two terms before they are eligible for academic review.

Electronic payment processing fee: $3 per transaction.

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